Monday, July 16, 2012


1)      Can you knowingly disregard the reasonable requests of your spouse and remain in right standing with them?
2)      Can you knowingly transgress the instructions of our Heavenly Father and remain in right standing with Him?
3)      If you commit a crime worthy of the death penalty, but your twin takes your place at the execution (unbeknownst to anyone else and you go free), does that mean the act you committed is no longer a crime?
4)      Did the sacrificial death of Messiah change what the law defined as sin?
5)      Did the sacrificial death of Messiah make it okay to transgress the law?
6)      Did the resurrection of Messiah make the law irrelevant?
7)      Does being set free mean we are at liberty to do as we please?
8)      When the woman accused of adultery was set free by Yeshua, did he give her a second chance to go and sin some more?
9)      Was the law given to instruct you on how to do evil?
10)   Did our Heavenly Father ever say to disregard what he instructed?
11)  Can you disregard the law and simultaneously admire the Psalms of David who expressed that his hearts desire was to delight in the law?
12)  Can you disregard the law and simultaneously adhere to the wisdom found in Proverbs which was built upon the law?
13)   Did Yeshua say that the law would pass before heaven and earth pass away?
14)   Have the heavens or the earth passed away yet?
15)  When Yeshua said he did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it, did he mean that he came to tick the law off a list (like you would on a “to do” list)?
16)  Can you get the most out of a relationship without having an understanding of the other’s perspective?
17)  Is our relationship with the Heavenly Father any different?
18)  Did God say we could enter into covenant with Him on our own terms?
19)  Can man define what righteousness is?
20)  Can man amend what God has established?
21)  Did Yeshua say that if we love Him we should keep our own commandments?

To follow is to learn.